The Official Tourist Website for Marianske Lazne
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Tourist Attractions

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Milhostov Mofette

This is group of sulphur dioxide gaseous effluences at Milhostov. It was declared a natural monument to protect the mofette, or discharge of gaseous sulphur dioxide.

Svatoš Rocks

The best-known and most significant granite rock formation in the Karlovy Vary massive is undoubtedly the Svatoš Rocks (Svatošské Skály), part of the Jan Svatoš National Nature Park (NPP).

Mnichovské Hadce Educational Trail

Around Křížky, and more generally in the area between Prameny and Mnichov, you’ll find one of the most interesting natural areas in the Slavovský Forest. The newly-created educational trail introduces visitors to the largest serpentinite complex in Bohemia as well as one of the most interesting areas in the central part of the Slavkovský Forest protected area.

The Sulphurous One - Sirňák

White foamy crusts decorate several smaller water surfaces of grass-grown glades on the right bank of the Teplá River.

Friedrich's Stone – Friedrichstein

Friedrich’s Stone is the name given to a naturally occurring mound of coarse granite boulders that stand in a location known as ‘Little Switzerland’ (Malé Švýcarsko).

Loket Castle

Loket is a very old town with a castle of the same name. Both rise above the valley of the Ohře River between Karlovy Vary and Sokolov.

Domin Rock Formation - Dominova skalka

This small but unique protected area can be seen from the road connecting the village of Louka u Mariánských Lázní and Nová Ves.

Clements' Place

Its beauty and serenity made this place a favourite with the Abbot Alfréd Clements of Teplá. A simple wooden bench stood here where the dignitary often used to sit. During his time as Abbot, Mariánské Lázně experienced the largest building boom of its early development (1888–1900).

Goethe's Retreat

'Goethe's Retreat' is a sandstone obelisk and two stone resting places on the side of Hamelika Hill. Goethe used to sit here on a bench, sometimes with Ulrika von Levetzow, or alone, spending many hours in contemplation here. The obelisk was built in August 1848 to recall Goethe's three sojourns in Mariánské Lázně between 1821 and 1823.

Barren Hill - Planý vrch

This is a natural pine growth area on the southeast slope of Planý Hill with exposed serpentinite rock formations, partly interrupted by a small extinct rock quarry covered by a rare botanical community.

Park at the Ferdinand Spring

The park is spreads out from the Ferdinand Spring Colonnade. In addition Ferdinand Spring itself, which bubbles up in a glass structure, you can admire a statue of a girl with a flower by M. Eibl called "Spring" .

Planá u Mariánských Lázní

The first written record of Planá dates back to 1251. The town was founded on an important trade route leading from Nuremberg to Cheb and further on into Bohemia.

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